In between organising my own hair shoot, doing my normal work in PR and Christmas shopping, oh, and moving house (hence why I haven't been on here in a while) I was invited to go along to the
Farmers Weekly make-over shoot in Kingston in Surrey. Exciting I hear you say, well, it was actually. I was able to see the inside of the award-winning
Headquarters hair salon and meet award-winning hairdresser Victor Pajak (who I've met at Salon International on the HJ stage). The reason I went was of course for work (it's not everyday the team on FW mag invite a girl along to a make-over). Anyway, I went along to film the whole day so they could use the footage as a webcast on their website. This meant a)I was meeting people in the hair industry, b)I could get some more tips from top stylists and c)I could get out of the office! See the
before and after shots of the three agriculture students that were made over.